Panasonic GF5 Review - Overview - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resource 嬰兒食品和狗糧在某種程度上來說,可以歸屬為同一類別——我們會買不會吃的東西。不過買狗糧我們會考慮價格,即便某品牌狗糧蛋白質再多,功效再多,面對100+RMB以上的狗糧時,大多數人心裡想的還是“憑什麼對這狗東西這麼好,我還沒吃那麼好呢。 ”不過如果是給The Panasonic GF5 is based around a newly developed, 12.1-megapixel Live MOS image sensor. Compared to that in the GF3, size and resolution are unchanged, but the frontside circuitry now has a lower profile and is better located, so it doesn't block as mu...