Toyota C-HR是進口 非國產!最快2017年第一季導入販售
Maserati | Models | Ghibli S Q4 - Maserati | Luxury, sports and style cast in exclusive cars 深受國內消費者與汽車媒體所關注的Toyota C-HR小型跨界休旅車,到底什麼時候才會在國內上市銷售?這話題目前不僅在業界炒得沸沸揚揚,答案更是眾說紛紜,有的表示在今年底前可望上市,有的甚至推測會搶在其競爭對手Honda HR-V於10月推出之前展開預售活動等等。然而根據本刊所獲知的最新消息指出,Maserati Ghibli S Q4 intro: gallery, studio film and e-brochure. ... Every Maserati is like a work of art constructed with the care and attention that only the human hand can provide, in combination with high-tech production processes....