Bootable USB drive, where the ghost image starts automatically | Symantec Connect 圖片來源(圖為示意圖非文中所指) 原PO 小妹前幾天和閃光愛愛的時候 閃光覺得女生在上面可以比較深也比較舒服 雖然我也覺得很舒服但小妹經驗薄弱 在上面通常都是跪著或蹲著上下動了2~3分鐘就覺得大腿超酸的啊!! 請問各位有沒有推薦什麼鍛練的方式或者其他腳不會酸也很舒服的姿勢呢? 這時候Right I've finally got it working. There were two main issues that I encountered. 1. I could only edit the start.bat through the 'Ghost boot wizard'. If I tried to manually edit the start.bat file, the changes would show in the file but when it ran from t...