Need for Speed: Most Wanted (Game) - Giant Bomb 你知道最近最夯的零食是什麼嗎?如果你能在三秒內立馬正確回答,那麼恭喜你,因為你很有可能和我們今天的人氣美少女--小棉十分投緣喔!答不出來的也別失望,跟著K小編來看看你是不是還有其他和小棉相似的愛好吧!(以下桃紅色文字為小棉的回答) 【圖/羅淳茹授權】 1.姓名:羅淳茹 2.綽號:小棉Cruise the streets of Rockport City, keep away from the cops, and defeat the wily Razor Callahan in this open-street racing game from EA Black Box. ... Sprint Sprint races act as the 'Point-to-Point' events of Most Wanted. There are 44 different tracks av...