Order of the Stick - Giant In the Playground Games 日本有一家商店,乍看櫥窗內的價格牌,會以為它是珠寶或者奢侈品店。仔細一看,才發現那些動輒數十萬、數百萬日元的商品,竟然全是新鮮水果! 「千疋屋」水果店 這家叫「千疋屋」(Sembikiya)的水果店,180年來開了11家分店,專門走面向富裕層的高檔路線。 8/6/2014 So, the Order of the Stick has been appearing quarterly in Gygax Magazine. If you don't know what Gygax Magazine is, it's an ongoing "old school" roleplaying game magazine, in print and PDF, that attempts to capture the feeling of the old Dragon ...