Download Giant Robo Music Collection [MP3] torrent - BakaBT這次要說的,是她,Lorien Norman(Lorien Kate) Lorien 生活在澳大利亞,今年26歲。 她面容姣好,身材火辣,經常喜歡在社交媒體上,發一些美美的自拍... 表面上看起來,Lorien活得光鮮亮麗, 但她的情感生活,卻並不和睦。 她有一個認識了許Too bad the ending theme for episode 1, which is a nice piece of music is missing from the CD. I guess ripping it from the audio track of the OVA itself is too much to be ... Just to let you guys know, I am currently sitting in the path of Hurricane Sandy...