Giant TCR Advanced 2 review | road.cc - Bike news and reviews | road.cc Hello Kitty,我想小夥伴們都認識。 它誕生於1974年,是日本著名的卡通萌星, 隨着相關動畫片的播出, 更是成了風靡全球的「二次元巨星」。 甚至有人開玩笑說, 「Hello Kitty,才是檢驗可愛的標準」 近來,有一項關於它的吉尼斯紀錄 引起了We’ve been surprised by the Giant TCR Advanced 2. In a good way. To be honest, I was expecting a solid, workmanlike machine, but not necessarily any fireworks. Something that ticks all the boxes, covers the bases, does the job… but perhaps not with a grea...