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TCR Advanced SL 1 (2014) | Giant Bicycles / Giant Bikes | Australia白蟻這個常見的害蟲,平時大家也都見怪不怪,而負責產卵的白蟻女王,身體會比公蟻還要大許多。 在國外的某戶人家裡,意外的發現這詭異的白蟻女王,身體比一般常見的白蟻還要巨大,隨著身體詭異的柔軟蠕動更像動畫風之谷裡的王蟲一樣,已經完全看不出是白蟻的樣子了,在我們見識他真面目前,我們先欣賞幾張「類似」他身影的Other Extras RideSense, SL bond in steerer plug w/ alloy bolt Weight The most accurate way to determine any bike’s weight is to have your local dealer weigh it for you. Many brands strive to list the lowest possible weight, but in reality weight can vary ...