Online Image Resizer & Optimizer - Crop, Resize and Compress JPEG|PNG|GIF Images for FREE 進步君: 國外社交媒體上有一對情侶,看到他們秀恩愛的照片和視頻後,許多網友表示要報警了... 他們叫分別叫Dylan Werner(男) 和 Ashley Galvin(女),他們解鎖了所有情侶都解鎖不了的新姿勢,來看看他們是如何秀恩愛的。 &Crop, resize images to the exact pixels or proportion you specified, making it easy to use them as your desktop wallpaper, Facebook cover photo, Twitter profile photo, avatar icons, etc. ... The best free online image resizer and optimizer on the Web, cro...