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Picasion - Create GIF animations online - Make an Animated GIF 英國伍斯特市(Worcester)5歲兔子大流士(Darius) 已經被吉尼斯世界紀錄認定為世界上最大的兔子, 它體長1.22米,體重達45斤。 每天要吃12根胡蘿卜和其他大量食物,相當於每年吃掉4000美元   Picasion GIF maker lets you immediately create Animated GIF online. Upload pictures or import them from your Flickr or Picasa Web, create avatars or funny animations and post them anywhere you can post pictures: MySpace, LiveJournal, Bebo, Facebook ......


GIF Photo Share For Wechat, Facebook, Twitter & iMessage for iOS - Free download and software review美國商人Bert Lance曾說過“如果沒什麼問題,就不需要改進”。顯然Lance不是混雨傘界的,因為當下雨傘正處於急需科技革新的浪尖上。如果你曾在風雨交加的街頭怒喊,曾為那把根本完不成擋雨任務的“天氣附屬品”操碎了心,那接下來這些革新就跟你很有關係了GIF Photo Share is designed to help you create and manage GIFs on your iPhone for sharing via messaging apps, Facebook, or Twitter among others, and it works well for the most part ... Editors' Note: The download button opens the iTunes App Store, where y...

全文閱讀 - Best gif maker, make a gif in 2 seconds - upload pictures or get images from Flickr人生啊~不外乎“吃喝拉撒睡”五件事。(咦~也太廢了!) 上廁所當然非常重要,只是世界無奇不有,會認廁所的人到了這些地方可要怎麼活啊? 帶你解決當務之急,看看我們每天要使用的“茅房”在國外是長什麼模樣吧! 1.土耳其: 這個土耳其以弗所的公廁鼓勵人們放鬆Create a gif animation from uploaded pictures You can also use pictures from Flickr or convert YouTube video!...


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