運動紳士 BMW M340i xDrive
GIGABYTE - 主機板 - Socket 775 - GA-P35-DS3L (rev. 2.0)圖/顧宗濤 ●建議售價 345萬元 ●上市日期 2020/02 ●平均油耗 11.2km/L ●原廠保固 3年不限里程 ●討喜之處 兼顧運動與豪華的全面性表現 ●遺珠之憾 性能迷還是更期待新M3 全新推出的M340i xDrive不僅要在新一代M3問世之前,擔綱車系性能旗艦代表之位,豪華程度To find the warranty information for your GIGABYTE product, choose your country from the drop down list or by clicking on the map below. You will then be directed to the corresponding page for your region. Here you will find the warranty terms for your re...