GIGABYTE 技嘉科技 - 筆記型電腦 / 小筆電 - P25W TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 網上流傳著一句拐彎抹角讚美人的話:「明明可以靠臉吃飯,卻偏偏要靠實力」我想邱澤就是這一種人。邱澤老早就憑著一張帥氣臉龐當上偶像劇男主角,但他不疾不徐的用自己的步調,在順勢而為的過程把握當下,詮釋好每個來到眼前的角色,證明了自己不只有外表,還是個實力To find the warranty information for your GIGABYTE product, choose your country from the drop down list or by clicking on the map below. You will then be directed to the corresponding page for your region. Here you will find the warranty terms for your re...