和客戶愛愛問是否交往 OL遭拒怒控性侵
GIGABYTE 技嘉科技 - 平板電腦 - 平板電腦及裝置 - S 系列 - S1082▲OL控客戶性侵,卻問對方「要不要跟我交往?」。(圖為示意圖)一名擔任業務的OL日前指控遭客戶性侵,由於想和對方學習鋼琴,便前往傅姓男客戶住處,但傅男卻趁她酒醉無力反抗時,硬上性侵得逞。不過,檢方調查後卻發現,OL在性侵隔天還打電話問「要不要跟我交往?」因為遭拒才憤而提告,因此認定傅男罪嫌不足不起訴To find the warranty information for your GIGABYTE product, choose your country from the drop down list or by clicking on the map below. You will then be directed to the corresponding page for your region. Here you will find the warranty terms for your re...