一週穿 專屬長版剖析全收錄(二)
GIMP vs Paint.NET Image Editing - TechAirlines - Internet and Technology - Tips and ReviewsWINTER SEASON , MUST BE HANDSOME一週穿!!! 專屬長版剖析全收錄(二) 圖文提供:台灣東犯BANG!編輯部 導言微涼的初冬,對愛打扮的造型者來說絕對是一大喜訊,該有的層次就該好好表現,而長版外套絕對是增加瀟灑大人度的基本配件,但要如何運用一件長版外套在一週內要如何穿出Do you need something to spice up your images? The built in tools in Windows like Microsoft Paint not enough for you? Can't afford Adobe Photoshop? The two most ... Paint.NET takes this round for providing a clean and uncluttered interface. GIMP: 3 (6 tot...