girl's day minah makeup

Park Myung Soo tells Hyeri that Minah is the prettiest in Girl's Day ~ Netizen Buzz擅長黑白美學的華裔設計師Alexander Wang 近日為其個人品牌2014 春夏鞋履Asher 系列再添低筒新款。新鞋鞋身由小牛皮製成,鞋邊處的麻繩車線也增強設計感,鞋子則有黑白兩色可選。 早前發售的Asher 中筒系列鞋款則有三種配色:全黑、黑身黃線以及白身黃線。 Asher 系列低筒鞋款現已I really love Girl's Day, I am a huge fan of their music, but I don't know about their individual activities. Is Minah actually popular? Can someone please explain to me why they say Minah is more popular than the others, including Hyeri?? Also, Girl's Da...


[Minah] Disney's Frozen - Anna Coronation Hair [Pastel☆Girls] - YouTube 延續先前必搶的 Supreme X Nike 共同聯名系列外,另一運動品牌愛迪達也不遑多讓,邀請到美國西岸運動品牌 Undefeated ,以及擁有日本街頭潮流意涵的 NEIGHBORHOOD共同合作,推出一系列強力聯名作品,以品牌代表色黑,以及識別度強的骷髏頭等元素加持。 【1:54:10 Frozen full movie 2013 - Frozen Movie Game 2013 / Disney Frozen 2013 full by moviegam 330,251 views 3:31 Anna's Coronation Updo from FROZEN | FebruHairy Day 5 by Kayley Melissa 96,564 views 12:26 Anna's Coronation Hairstyle from Disney's ......


Girl’s Day Yura Profile / Girl's Day Daily 令人超期待的大作、來自紐約的街頭品牌龍頭 Supreme、再次與運動大廠Nike共同合作,選定經典神鞋 Air Foamposite 1 太空鞋為設計,加入本次聯名特色的華麗金色花紋,搭配亮眼的紅以及黑兩種配色,並延伸到一系列的服飾設計當中。美國時間4月3日開始販售。 【本文出Omg really? I didn’t know that she is an ulzzang/eoljjang :) But she kinda Looks like it ^^ She is my Bias from Girls Day and I live to Pair her up with U-Kiss Eli Since I saw the 1st episode of “We are dating” and I’m going upset than.. :(Love u Yura...


Plastic Surgery Meter: Sojin, Girl’s Day | KPOP Surgery 我們看到在Nike Air Max 1系列上配備膠底已有很長一段歷史,而當然這雙經典也可以說是近期看到膠底材質選用最成功的例子。這次「Gym Red」色款它配上簡單全紅麂皮鞋面,結合白色Nike Swoosh勾勾&大底搭配,簡單配色中卻不失老鞋品味!如此簡單的設計,卻創造不簡單的球鞋。各位朋友如果I wanted to cover a new group today, so I picked Girl's Day, and OMG... do they all go to the same surgeon? I'll just start with Girl's Day leader, ... the weird thing is i dont think its plastic surgery, i think its the make up before and make up got the...


SEXY GIRLS - 「South Beach」南海灘配色,大約在2008年由Nike LeBron系列創造,並且成為南海灘代表用色更沿用至今!此雙鞋款採用漆皮、麂皮的拼接手法來設計,異材質組合卻沒有任何突兀或不舒服的視覺感覺,繽紛南海灘配色最適合在夏天用來穿搭,可以讓造型相當清爽!發售時間未定,各位鞋迷請耐心等待,有I feel I just exaggerate in this post title. But now a day when Japanese girl is wearing Kimono we always think of Geisha. Ideed in Japanese history Geisha was comedy actor who make up like girl sometimes we see real girl do it. This girl is the dark side...
