Alexander Wang 的黑白美學,2014 春夏鞋履Asher 系列再添低筒新款
Park Myung Soo tells Hyeri that Minah is the prettiest in Girl's Day ~ Netizen Buzz擅長黑白美學的華裔設計師Alexander Wang 近日為其個人品牌2014 春夏鞋履Asher 系列再添低筒新款。新鞋鞋身由小牛皮製成,鞋邊處的麻繩車線也增強設計感,鞋子則有黑白兩色可選。 早前發售的Asher 中筒系列鞋款則有三種配色:全黑、黑身黃線以及白身黃線。 Asher 系列低筒鞋款現已I really love Girl's Day, I am a huge fan of their music, but I don't know about their individual activities. Is Minah actually popular? Can someone please explain to me why they say Minah is more popular than the others, including Hyeri?? Also, Girl's Da...