實用取向 Mercedes-Benz B-Class
Girl’s Day Park Sojin Profile (걸스데이의 박소진 프로파일) / Girl's Day Daily ●採用全新MFA 2平台 ●搭載MBUX系統 ●採用4.5代智慧駕駛輔助系統 ●上市日期:2019/06 ●建議售價:B180 163萬元、B 200 180萬元 相對更為講究空間機能取向的Mercedes-Benz B-Class本月正式在台灣發表,全新一代的車型跟隨著A-Class的大改款August 13, 2010 Girl’s Day Park Sojin Profile (걸스데이의 박소진 프로파일) (Please give us credit whenever you take any information out from this profile; whether it is facts, quotes or something else. The team worked really hard to compile all this information....