Gist 2.3 - - Welcome to CHiBi – The Centre for High-Throughput Biology原作者名-日站君, 「本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權」 鞋帶又鬆了!剛系好的! 頂下腳背就脫好鞋了 厲害了,我的天!!! 終於可以擺脫 一天繫100次鞋帶 的痛了嘛? &The current version of Gist is 2.3 Gist is written in ANSI C. Source code, as well as some pre-compiled versions for popular platforms (Linux, Cygwin) can be downloaded here. Here are some installation instructions and release notes. Once you have install...