git reset - How to cancel a local git commit - Stack Overflow等咱有了錢,天天去做美體。媽的想瘦哪里瘦哪里,想大哪里就大哪里。貴賓卡一次買兩張,上半身用一張,下半身用一張。等咱有了錢,天天上美容院。媽的想雙眼皮就雙眼皮,想單眼皮就單眼皮。一個手術包倆手術室,開左眼用一個,開右眼用一個。等咱有了錢,天天做spa。媽的想香熏耳燭就香熏耳燭,想保養卵巢就保養卵巢。水My issue is I have changed a file eg: README, added a new line 'this for my testing line' and saved the file, then I issued the following commands git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add ..." to update what will be ......