Give Me a Hug (HB) - 首頁 - CP1897.com | 商務印書館網上書店 如果去認真數數古往今來出現在所有英文書籍中最多次數的單字,那麼"the"應該會是冠軍。作為定冠詞,"the"可以運用的地方實在太多了,任何特定指涉的物品,前面都要加上"the","the"的地位獨特到甚至沒辦法找到一個可以相對應的中文字。有個外國人示範了"the"的各種用法,看到最後你一定會大吃一"Give Me a Hug" is an illustrated storybook based on the true story of a limbless Australian motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic-- "Whether your life is happy or not is your own choice. Many people think I can’t live a normal life because I don’t have arms...