Amazon.com : KDLINKS® X1 Full-HD 1920*1080 165° Wide Angle Car Dashboard Camcorder with GPS, G-Senso 性生活,是人類繁衍生息傳宗接代的途徑,在封建社會,人們對性事是閉口不談,即使是夫妻也只能隱晦地說。現在人們關於性愛方面的觀念已經很開放,可是卻又引發了其他方面的問題,諸如性疾病等。眾多的疾病讓人們的夫妻生活難以和諧。不少人把夫妻性生活不和諧絕大多數歸功於疾病或生理障礙,或者是心理問題Introduction As insurance cost keeps climbing up, if the HD video proof could work for you just once, you could save more money than the price of this dash cam. The X1 Camcorder has a number of modern solutions, useful for all drivers. The camera starts r...