Glay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (source:weibo,下同) 現在非常流行網路直播,許多明星都想靠直播提高人氣。這位大陸的網路主播「HaNi九」日前開直播大跳熱舞,卻發生了掉胸意外! 「HaNi九」是大陸最近迅速竄紅的網路主播,常常直播跳舞或表演唱歌等才藝。 最近在直播熱舞洗腦神曲《小蘋果》,用她姣好的身材扭Glay is a Japanese pop rock band from Hakodate, Hokkaidō formed in 1988. Glay primarily composes songs in the rock and pop genres, but they have also composed songs using elements of different styles such as reggae and gospel. Originally a visual kei band...