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Finn Hudson - Glee Wiki「請問本來蠻有好感的男人,總是喜歡開一些不入流的黃色笑話,該怎麼辦?」前陣子收到一封女讀者的來信,貌似相當苦惱,但老實說,我遇到這事的機會約莫是她的上百倍。怎麼說呢?還不就是某些男人真搞不清楚女人「談性」跟「想跟你談性」是兩回事。自從我在GQ染黃之後(顯示為自己愛喇這主題還怪給別人),時不時就會收到Finn Christopher Hudson was a major character on Glee. He was an alumnus of William McKinley... ... Finn is the quarterback of the school's football team, a role he takes very seriously, despite his moral misgivings, he is reluctantly involved in bullying...


Finn-Rachel Relationship - Glee Wiki 在過去的幾個世紀的歷史裡流傳著許多神秘人物的奇妙傳說,他們中的許多人的下落或來歷至今無法鑑定。以下這個是在這次神秘類型中最重要或最神秘的人物的精選名單。 1.伍匹德的綠孩子 伍匹德的綠孩子其實是有兩個孩子,他們在12世紀時出現於英國索夫克郡伍匹德的一個鄉村裡。一個男孩一個女孩,他們一身的綠色的皮膚Finn helps Rachel with her bag using her, and tells her the truth. He also states that he had meant what he said about wanting her to come back to Glee Club and claimed that their kiss together was real. She says that if he was honest with her in the firs...


[Finn/Rachel] Rachel's Crush - Glee - YouTube跟日本女生交往的下場: To Date A Japanese Girl 法國音樂家大衛: 音樂: (Blind Love) 贊助商: 微克詩國際事業有限公司 Video about Rachel's crush Finn Song: Crush by Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) it's my firts video, enjoy! and comment please....


Finn Hudson – Glee Wiki - Glee Wiki - New Directions, Rachel Berry, Lea Michele, McKinley High, Cory台灣性教育到底及不及格呢? 大家有什麼看法? 空拍+協拍團隊: 相信印象 法國音樂家大衛: 音樂: Christopher Hudson war ein Absolvent der William McKinley High School und ein ehemaliges… ... Finn gibt Rachel die Schuld, dass Will nicht mehr zu den Glee Proben kommt ihm Dakota Stanley als Choreograph und Finn droht Rachel, dass er ausssteigen ......


"Glee" Ended With A Beautiful Tribute To Finn And It Was Perfect「牽手是會把一個女生的心牽走的。」                             via blog.ifeng.com5   這句"See the world not as it is, but how it should be.".. ... 1. On Friday night, after six seasons, 121 episodes, and more than 700 musical performances, Glee came to an end with a two-hour episode, the first hour of which recreated the pilot....


‘Glee’ Series Finale: Final Season 6 Episode Will Honor Finn | TVLine 林心如一直給人感覺是清純知性的,從未把她與激情戲聯繫在一起,可是隨著年齡變大,林心如似乎開始轉變戲路,各種銷魂的鏡頭頻頻上演,當下《16個夏天》正在台灣公視熱播,這次林心如除了在劇中與男主角的扮演者楊一展談情說愛外,還上演了一系列令人咋舌的大尺度“動物世界”,激情戲尺度大不Glee cocreator Ryan Murphy has made it official: The show won’t go on beyond next season. At a Paley Center event honoring FX Networks Wednesday night, Murphy confirmed that Season 6 will be Glee‘s last. He also revealed that Cory Monteith’s death has for...
