民族嬉皮渲染 Vans 2014 春季 “Tie Dye” 系列鞋款
Home - GLIDE Vans 遇上迷幻感的嬉皮渲染風,將會碰撞出什麼樣的火花,2014年春夏的 “Tie Dye” 系列鞋款,正是以此為發想依據,選用經典的 Era 以及 Sk8-Hi 鞋款,加上鮮豔的渲染布料打造,回到當年的嬉皮年代氣氛,特色十足。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.Love. Acceptance. Community. With admirers ranging from Harvey Milk and Huey Newton to Warren Buffett, Dr. Maya Angelou, and Senator Dianne Feinstein, GLIDE in San Francisco has been inspiring, infuriating, welcoming, and changing the world for 50 years....