Glock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴瞳姸 說到《進擊的巨人》中最大的危機狀態, 不是被奇行種盯上, 也不是被巨人包圍, 而是立體機動裝置的刀片鈍了、噴射裝置沒瓦斯了, 這時任憑平日訓練再怎麼精實, 也只能像砧板上的魚肉任憑宰割。 這時候有便利商店依賴症的曈姸就會心想, 人存在的地方History [edit] The company's founder, engineer Gaston Glock, had no experience with firearm design or manufacture at the time their first pistol, the Glock 17, was being prototyped. Glock did, however, have extensive experience in advanced synthetic polym...