Gloria Jeans 曾經你是我的戀人 你是這夏夜的風 我把過往 化作了月亮的清輝 落滿了昨夜的花叢 那裡有細流的琴弦 編織成你最美的花冠 那裡有你的笑聲 像河流的奏曲 一首相遇的倒影 曾經你是我的戀人 你是這夏夜的天空 我把過往 研墨在浮雲間 素描著小小的這座城 那裡有星辰綻1. How long have you been a barista with Gloria Jean's Coffees? It's been about 10 years now since I joined the Gloria Jean's Coffees team. ... May's the month to show your mum just how much you love her. Treat your mum at a Gloria Jean's coffee house for...