Vanderbilt Gloria Vanderbilt perfume - a fragrance for women 1982 在我們感情生活中,有太多的依賴;但卻往往沒有依偎的感覺。 在熱戀中,隨Call隨到的男友令人感到格外地貼心。看過許多女人的聚會的情形,即使聚會還沒結束,多數人就都已經拿起行動電話按下熟悉的號碼。 “喂,我等下要回家了,來載我吧!” 於是,一場男士們的聚會便在女人們散會前10This perfume is named after the famous American painter, Gloria Laura Vanderbilt. It can be described as a feminine and classical fragrance. The composi... ... Lisilou, I agree. This is a mature lady's signature scent for sure, but that is not an offensiv...