射精疼痛 尿濁有異味~恐急性細菌性攝護腺炎上身!
viksoe.dk - GMail Drive shell extension台北市1名53歲陳姓男子,前一晚出現射精疼痛,早上起床時發燒且尿液混濁,排尿時感到疼痛不順暢而就醫,接受肛門指診發現攝護腺腫大,尿液及攝護腺液化驗白血球大於100並有細菌,診斷為急性細菌性攝護腺炎。 醫師周固(如圖)強調,射精疼痛、尿濁有異味,小心是急性細菌性攝護腺炎惹禍。(照片/書田診所提供) 收GMail Drive shell extension GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Mail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium. GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail a...