Gmail IMAP: How To enable Gmail IMAP? | Techblissonline.com 圖1 · 婚姻 婚姻就如這幅畫, 無論誰放手,受傷的都是孩子! 多經典的話,多牛的配圖。 所以從你選擇了婚姻有了孩子那一刻,你就必須拉緊你的繩子,負好你的責任。 要麼不要,要麼不棄! 珍愛眼前人,且過且珍惜。 —— 致所有為人父母者! Gmail IMAP is an Internet Message Access Protocol that lets you download Gmail mails on to your desktop mail clients like Microsoft Outlook Express or Apple Mail, and access or read them even when you are not connected to the Internet....