Get started with IMAP and POP3 - Gmail Help ▲暗黑蘿莉?!(source: IG,以下同) 大家好我是云編~ 現在「萌系」文化愈來愈流行,不只是日本,在世界上的許多國家,都有人特別崇拜大眼睛、鵝蛋臉的夢幻娃娃造型。這樣的造型有些人很愛,有些人卻覺得太不真實了。在中國也有一名叫做AmaiAmai-MILU的妹子,她非常喜歡cosOutlook / Windows Mail Apple Mail Thunderbird Other If you're setting up IMAP for the first time, ... Once you've enabled POP in your Gmail settings, you need to configure your client. Select a client below to see specific configuration instructions. Appl...