Get started with IMAP and POP3 - Gmail Help TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 都說韓國是女生的天堂,不僅是購物天堂,還是盛產帥哥的風水寶地,走在韓國街頭巧遇帥哥的比例之高阿!不僅韓劇裡的歐巴、舞台上的韓國偶像養眼,在韓國,各行各業都隱藏著天菜男神,今天儂編幫大家準備了隱藏版男神特輯,為大家趕走上班的憂鬱。 警察Outlook / Windows Mail Apple Mail Thunderbird Other If you're setting up IMAP for the first time, ... Once you've enabled POP in your Gmail settings, you need to configure your client. Select a client below to see specific configuration instructions. Appl...