Get started with IMAP and POP3 - Gmail Help Images Source: wordpress 吃成這樣能看嗎? 無論相親、聯誼,還是第一次與心上人約會,曖昧階段選擇用餐地點和美食都得深思熟慮,以免一個不小心,點到害自己出糗、讓對象尷尬到家的餐點,會導致浪漫氣氛蕩然無存,原來水到渠成的感情,也因對方好感度Outlook / Windows Mail Apple Mail Thunderbird Other If you're setting up IMAP for the first time, ... Once you've enabled POP in your Gmail settings, you need to configure your client. Select a client below to see specific configuration instructions. Appl...