How many Penalty Points have you. - boards.ie 擁有水汪汪大眼的思穎,想必大家跟K小編一樣都被她楚楚可憐的眼神所吸引了吧!快跟K小編一起,看看思穎還有哪些美美的照片和她的個人小檔案^0^(以下桃紅色文字為思穎的回答) 【圖/邱思穎授權】 1.姓名:邱思穎 2.綽號:Yula 3.生日:1994/02/09 4.學校&年級:明志科技How many Penalty Points have you. Motors ... Your are correct. I now know what the life of a snail must feel like. I am also now completely convinced these speed traps are a money making measure and not a safety measure....