gnome themes

GNOME - Official Site嗯~這樣手機就不會被扒走,但接電話不是很麻煩= =GNU Object Model Environment: Building a full, user-friendly desktop for Unix operating systems, based entirely on free software. Will consist of small utilities and larger applications which share a consistent look and feel. GNOME is part of the GNU proj...


GNOME - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia下屆奧斯卡最佳演技獎非"牠"莫屬XD.......好好笑!!超會演的啦~這隻狗!!!!GNOME (pronounced /ɡˈnoʊm/[5] or /ˈnoʊm/[6]) is a desktop environment which is composed entirely of free and open-source software. Its target operating system is Linux, but it is also supported on most derivatives of BSD.[7] GNOME is developed by The GNOM...


Win2-7 Pack GNOME-Look.org傑克決定與他的好友鮑伯去滑雪。他們將行囊裝在傑克的小型巴士上朝北開去。 幾個小時以後,遇到了大風雪。因此他們開進了附近的農場裡,一位身材體態長得嫵媚動人的女士出來應門,他們萬分請求假如可能的話希望在此度過一夜,以免凍死在荒野。她回答:「我瞭解現在天氣非常惡劣,但是我最近寡居,而只有我住在這個諾大的房Win2-7 Pack Community Portal for Gnome Themes Wallpapers Icons Screenshots Schemes Skins Skinz Screensavers GTK Linux ... Artwork for the KDE-Desktop Artwork for the GNOME-Desktop Xfce-Look ......


30+ Stunning Gnome Desktop Themes for Linux users | Smashing Tips美國聯邦調查局的電話鈴響了。 「你好,是聯邦調查局嗎?」調查員:「是的,有什麼事嗎?」告發者:「我要舉報鄰居湯姆。他把大麻藏在他家的木柴中。」調查員:「謝謝您的通知,我們會調查的。」第二天,聯邦調查局人員去了湯姆家。他們搜查了放木柴的棚子,劈開了每一塊木柴,結果什麼也沒有發現,就把湯姆告戒了一下後走Most of you think that Microsoft windows and Mac OS are the only two famous operating systems. But now Ubuntu a linux based operating system is also getting popular. I recently saw Ubuntu in one of my friends PC and I was amazed to see its performance....
