LyricsMode - Lyrics, explanations and meanings for more than 800,000 songs日本網友對多啦A夢的結局創作 雖然原著作並沒有結局,而且網路上曾經也流傳過多啦A夢的大結局也感動過很多人,不過這次的結局也很感人喔^^ 日本先前才釋放一段3D版的多啦A夢電影,讓續多多啦A夢迷罵聲連連!! 轉載 http://blog.livedoor.jp/chihhylove/archives/View lyrics to your favorite songs, read meanings and explanations from our community, share your thoughts and feelings about the songs you love. ... They got problems now after what happen with the concert meetup, with so call people say "Katy Perry" whi...