OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video - YouTube 印度阿薩姆邦,38歲的Bhupen Chandra Das將針插進臉和舌頭。Bhupen Chandra Das稱自己已經創下用550根醫用針頭插在臉上的紀錄。而這項特技他已經練習了15年。 Bhupen Chandra Das將針插進臉部。 Bhupen Chandra Das將針插進舌頭。 BBuy the video on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nee... See more about the guitars at: http://www.gretschguitars.com/feature... The new music video from OK Go, made in partnership with Chevrolet. OK Go set up over 1000 instruments over two miles...