Attention: head pressure, pressure in head, headache people! - Neurology - MedHelp上課時,老師說:不費吹灰之力,請接下一句。小明說:不費地心引力,花費整天力氣。老師生氣趕走小明。弟二天,老師又說:不費吹灰之力,請接下一句。小明說:不費地心引力,花費整天力氣,得來全靠凶器,看到媽媽放屁。老師把小明叫去罰站,剛好下雨,老師說:今天為何要下雨,不如明天才下雨,雖然昨天是下雪,但卻今天下Hey guys I don't know if someone else posted this or not but a temporary solution I found for the throbbing pain and pressure in the back of my head was donating blood. I mean everytime after I donate blood my mind becomes clear and normal and I can even ...