go off work

OK Go - White Knuckles - Official Video - YouTube 來自瑞典的丹寧褲首選品牌Nudie Jeans,以簡單流線的剪裁,舒適和襯身型的天然有機棉料再次打造春夏全新系列,帶來煥然一新的刷色風格感受。嶄新立體身型剪裁的新式褲款,搭配手感細緻的設計上衣與全新引進的真皮小皮件配飾,多重風格交互搭配,給予深愛Nudie Jeans的丹寧愛好著多樣化的完整選擇。Official music video for OK Go's 'White Knuckles'. Directed by Trish Sie and OK Go. Produced by Shirley Moyers. Special thanks to: Lauren Henry and Roland Sonnenburg and their team of trainers from Talented Animals, the town of Corvallis OR for being so w...


Amazon.com: VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate RC Speedway: Toys & Games 擁有潮流意義的Nike編織鞋款,換上慢跑科技的 Free 4.0大底,更加增添穿著質感以及體驗,全新配色也在日前曝光,在編織材質上更加增添細節,加上彩色交織的材質,以及亮眼的藍、橘色交織出不同質感。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,Zip around the VTech Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate RC Speedway, and speed through four action zones and over nine SmartPoint locations. Use the steering wheel-shaped remote control for an exciting interactive experience with the RC SmartPoint Racer! Repai...


Professional mermaids work their tails off - CNN.com 相信每個小朋友聽到醫院這個詞,一定會倒退三步,更何況還是整修中的醫院。英國一家兒童醫院,為了掩飾翻新過程中佈滿廢棄水管的牆面,尋求設計團隊Studioweave提供協助。異想天開的設計師們,展開了名為「Lullaby Factory」(搖籃曲工廠)的計畫,竟將水管做成了可以發聲的喇叭,讓小病人們可Shannon Rauch, or Mermaid Shannon, became involved in the community as an alternative form of exercise. Before she knew it, people started paying her to show up at birthday parties in tail. Once she realized she could start making money off her new hobby,...


Bring back the 40-hour work week - Salon.com 巴黎人對時尚總有精準的眼光,而來自花都的Betty不僅穿搭充滿新意,更在優雅中多了幾分玩心的調皮,兩者平衡的巧妙,這也是我定期追蹤她的原因。 穿搭/生活/美食照常見於個人和社群網站。 充滿春意的浪漫搭配 Betty擅於拿捏休閒和正式的比例 Betty身著異材質短洋裝 photo:Betty [LeIf you’re lucky enough to have a job right now, you’re probably doing everything possible to hold onto it. If the boss asks you to work 50 hours, you work 55. If she asks for 60, you give up weeknights and Saturdays, and work 65. Odds are that you’ve been...


Peyton Manning to announce retirement Monday TOMS除了經典的classic懶人鞋外,也推出了綁帶男鞋Cordones系列,沉穩的黑白絞染成如大理石紋理的灰,往內延伸的內裡也以灰白條紋來呼應,另外在沉穩裡還看得出渴望夏天的元素,捨棄橡膠外底改以麻編底帶出清涼感。在機能上就用綁帶來調節並加上經典麂皮鞋墊來增加柔軟舒適度。除此之外,鞋後跟的TOESPN's Chris Mortensen first reported Manning's decision, which clears $19 million in cap room for the Broncos. "Peyton Manning's extraordinary career was driven by his talent, an incredible work ethic, and an unwavering desire to be the best and ended so...


Business News | The Chronicle Herald 日本潮流品牌SOPHNET.2014年春夏加入渡假的夏日氣息,以花朵圖案交織經典的五芒星設計,除了在服飾上看的到,也延伸到週邊配件之上,包款以及帽款,都感染了這個氣氛,替潮流熟男們增添不少變化選擇。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文Breaking news and business news, analysis and opinion on Nova Scotia business, Canada and world businesses, transactions, local products, technology, gaming, interactive media, agriculture, energy, fisheries, aquaculture, film, defence, banking, tourism a...
