GoPro Official Website: The World's Most Versatile Camera 32F奶正妹Vicky chen不僅擁有高人氣,日前po出一段餵乳影片,讓許多宅男瘋狂。 這回他在臉書PO文,表示自己照片遭到色情業者盜用,她以本人LINE傳訊息給業者,對方竟然還說是「妹妹本人」,當詢問是否有別張照片時,對方還回成為熟客才能看,讓她氣得大罵「我操你媽」「麻煩要援交用自己的照片!」Get to know Team GoPro and other elite athletes as they go for glory on the world's largest stage. Get to know Team GoPro and other elite athletes as they go for glory on the world's largest stage. How will you GoPro? Join us in congratulating the Grand P...