The Go Programming Language Blog同性戀不是異類,並不奇怪, 要說是種病,更是莫須有。 然而... 在厄瓜多爾,卻有些場所是用來「治療」同性戀的。 這些場合大多都是官辦用於戒毒戒酒的,但是卻被別有用心的人當作了「治療」同性戀的場所。 每月收費500-800美金,改變你的性取向! 看起來荒唐至極,但是卻備受推崇.&nbsGopherChina Trip Report 1 July 2015 We have known for some time that Go is more popular in China than in any other country. According to Google Trends, most searches for the term “golang” come from The People’s Republic than anywhere else. Others ......