Before I Go to Sleep: A Novel: S. J. Watson: 9780062060556: Amazon.com: Books by 栞 就你而言,接吻代表怎麼樣的意義、理想的接吻對象又有怎麼樣的條件呢?其實不只是男女,就連我們自己在上述的問題裡,隨著時間點的不同,我們也會有不一樣的答案。因此,本次我們就要來針對「接吻」這件事情來深入了解一番囉!畢竟俗話都說:「隔行如隔山」,那麼分別來自金星與火星的女人及男人,根Amazon Best Books of the Month, June 2011 : Every day Christine wakes up not knowing where she is. Her memories disappear every time she falls asleep. Her husband, Ben, is a stranger to her, and he's obligated to explain their life together on a daily bas...