mountain walk | "Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges." – Rudyard Kipling 在1997年,一個叫尾田榮一郎的男人創造了《海賊王》,之後無數惡魔果實能力者湧現…… 他們各自怀揣異柄,在各種戰鬥中馳騁。 然後,當惡魔果實能力者遇上變種人,他們會發現,他們可能是一家人。 一、橡膠 魯夫,橡膠果實能力者。擁有橡膠火箭炮、機關槍、戰斧、印章、暴風雨以及二"Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges." - Rudyard Kipling ... Armed with its botanical description (that pretty much describes a number of other of the THORN-scrubs in the area) [2] the search began....