God Eater 2 - God Eater Wiki中午...進餐時......同桌的一位學妹對正在用餐的博士班學長問「學長.你博幾?」博士班學長含糊的道「沒有阿.我正在吃飯怎麼會呢???」正當所有人都在納悶學長的回答時 只聽到他在一旁邊吃東西邊嘟嚷著說「吃飯時還能{勃 起} 我哪能那麼神阿」....語畢全場人皆笑翻極めし一撃、神々を討つ. The Extreme Blow of Defeating the Gods. God Eater 2 (ゴッドイーター2) is the sequel to God... ... Story Edit The game takes place 3 years after the original. A new fatal pandemic called the Black Plague, caused by red rain, has struck the ......