god is a girl

God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia女人不能太瘦的原因是..... 愛神邱比特無法將你的幸福.....射向你~~~ (( 明明就是為自己找不要減肥的原因...XDDD ))In monotheism and henotheism, God is conceived as the Supreme Being and principal object of faith.[1] The concept of God as described by theologians commonly includes the attributes of omniscience (infinite knowledge), omnipotence (unlimited power), omnip...


God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything: Christopher Hitchens: 9780446697965: Amazon.com: 看出端倪了嗎..............Hitchens, one of our great political pugilists, delivers the best of the recent rash of atheist manifestos. The same contrarian spirit that makes him delightful reading as a political commentator, even (or especially) when he's completely wrong, makes him...


Hyperbole and a Half: The God of CakeMy mom had prepared the cake early in the day to get the task out of the way. She thought she was being efficient, but really she had only ensured that she would be forced to spend the whole day protecting the cake from my all-encompassing need to eat it....


United Church of GodWe preach God’s redemptive Word every week in our regional Sabbath services, host regional seminars about God’s coming Kingdom, and sponsor an international media presence on TV, Print, and the Web in Beyond Today....


Deity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 情比姊妹深,我們要一直愛打麻將下去哦(恩嘛)The word "deity" derives from the Latin deus ("god"), which is related through a common Indo-European origin to Sanskrit deva ("god"), devi ("goddess"), divya ("transcendental", "spiritual"). The root is related to words for "sky", such as Latin dies ("da...
