God Save the Queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia沒想到原來男友是工具人啊! ▼一名男網友在靠北女友PO文。 這真的蠻誇張的!!原PO今年才24歲就月賺56K了!沒想到女友卻不滿意!還嫌他這樣太窮,連結婚都不肯結!不小心懷孕了,還把孩子偷偷墮掉!反正就是覺得原PO窮到他都不想嫁! 但扯的是,原PO根There is no definitive version of the lyrics. However, the version consisting of the three verses reproduced in the blue box on the right hand side has the best claim to be regarded as the 'standard' British version, appearing not only in the 1745 Gentlem...