God Save the Queen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一個男人在外工作20年,終於要回家了,老闆問他:你是要20年的工資還是要3句忠告?男人說我明天上路,明早給您答案好嗎?老闆說可以。當晚男人未眠…早晨,他對老闆說:我要3個忠告。於是老闆給他3句話。一、不要試圖尋找不可能的捷徑,世上沒有便宜的事,只有腳踏實地才是最好的方法…There is no definitive version of the lyrics. However, the version consisting of the three verses reproduced in the blue box on the right hand side has the best claim to be regarded as the 'standard' British version, appearing not only in the 1745 Gentlem...