Organo Gold Scam: DON'T DRINK THE COFFEE!!! 話說, 現在,有越來越多的人都開始反對婚前同居, 這種觀點倒也不是出於啥封建保守的心態,只是因為有很多情侶都是因為過早的生活在一起, 消磨了彼此的激情,導致一段原本美好的愛情無疾而終。 不過,今天要說的這兩口子,他們的觀點就有些特別了, 因為他們不僅反對婚前同居,就連結婚以後要住一起這事兒,他們也I am a man of research. I researched Organo Gold. I researched Ganoderma. I tried it. I loved it. I started my own distribution co. I took your advice and listened to all his calls and even went to his website ogheat.com. Not one time did he state or give...