Organo Gold Scam: DON'T DRINK THE COFFEE!!! ▲超美的俄羅斯萌娃「艾蓮娜」。(source:westca,下同) 大家都知道俄羅斯以美女和戰鬥出名,但是美女通常都被認為和戰鬥沒什麼關係,但是如果這次你也這麼想,那可就大錯特錯了哦! 根據westca報導,這名俄羅斯的萌妹子名叫「艾蓮娜(ElenaDeligioz)」,她跟一般愛漂I am a man of research. I researched Organo Gold. I researched Ganoderma. I tried it. I loved it. I started my own distribution co. I took your advice and listened to all his calls and even went to his website ogheat.com. Not one time did he state or give...