golden globe awards 2007

Golden Globe Award - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(1)妻:「對於性你有什麼看法?」夫:「看法是沒有,做法倒很多。」夫妻對話(2)妻︰「這次的海邊聚會我穿比基尼去,你說好不好?」夫︰「不行!這樣別人會以為我是看上妳的錢財而結婚的。」夫妻對話(3)妻:「老公!我這頭髮會不會很醜?」夫:「不會。妳的醜跟頭髮沒關係。」夫妻對話(4)妻:「來看看我有沒有斷The Golden Globe Award is an American accolade bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign. The annual formal ceremony and dinner at which the awards...


65th Golden Globe Awards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia問:我家附近有人養狗..而且不管它隨便跑,經常晚上在我家門口拉屎,有沒有辦法不讓它在我家拉屎嗎?答:每次狗拉屎的時候,你去偷看,等狗發現了你在偷看,它會害羞的,就再也不敢到你家門口拉屎了!問:電腦瑩幕不停地輕微抖動,有什麼辦法?答:你也不停地抖動,當你的頻率和振幅與抖動畫面一樣時,你就感覺不出來了。The 65th Golden Globe Awards, honoring the best in film and television of 2007, were scheduled to be presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association on January 13, 2008. However, due to the Writers Guild of America strike, the traditional awards cere...


Golden Globe Award - Official Site網站:我們是免費的。警察:我們是為人民服務的。售貨小姐:這件衣服真的很適合你!!地攤老闆:這件是最後一件, 算你便宜啦影視明星:我們只是朋友關係。高官致詞:下面,我簡單地講兩句。父母:我幫你把紅包存起來了。太太:(出門前化妝時)馬上就好!馬上就好!老公:(一面盯著別的女生)她哪有你漂亮???食品包裝The official WebSite of the Hollywood Foreign Press and the Golden Globe Awards....


Golden Globes Awards | The Hollywood Foreign Press Association®有對夫妻結婚多年,丈夫總是忘記一些特別的日子,結婚三十五週年那天,他們在餐桌吃早餐時,妻子 向她 先生暗示:「老伴,你知不知道,我們坐在這兩張椅子上已經整整三十五年了?」丈夫徐徐放下報紙,望著老婆說: 「妳...是不是想跟我換位子?」The Hills Are Alive....500 theaters will show the Golden Globe winning classic "The Sound of Music" today to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Find this and more foreign language articles in our Global section. ... See More...


The Golden Globe Awards - - NBC TV Network | Shows, Episodes, Schedule一架飛機上有一對男女坐在一起,〔他們並不認識〕女的開口說要一杯果汁…男:我也要!我也要!女:空中小姐,請再給我一些水果,謝謝…男:我也要!我也要!〔怕吃虧,因為機票很貴,想撈點本〕後來女的又小小聲的告訴空中小姐一些話,男的根本沒廳到,卻趕緊說:我也要!空中小姐微笑的說:「Tina Fey and Amy Poehler host The 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards. Watch video online on ... Get your fashion fix with all the latest photos of your favorite stars on the Red Carpet. Plus, see behind-the-scenes pics from the show!...


Golden Globe Awards 2007 - 影片搜尋笑...(妙答)超自然 我昨晚碰到鬼擋牆,為啥我立刻吃了一盅佛跳牆還是走不出去? 答:你不是佛,吃再多的佛跳牆也是沒用的;還有,你沒事帶佛跳牆在身上幹麻?[超自然 ] 算命的說我命短,我該抽長壽煙來延長壽命嗎? 答:建議抽新樂園直接上天堂以免夜長夢多。 [兩性關係 ] ...
