Volkswagen Golf 7 GTD - VWVortex 學生時期考試考不好一定會有被老師罰寫的經驗,輕一點的懲罰是超個幾十遍,狠一點的老師甚至會叫你寫一百遍。 為了節省寶貴的青春時間,有一位網友發明了一個罰寫神器,這個罰寫神氣讓你可以省下人生好幾倍的時間,這樣就不用浪費時間在罰寫上,然後虛度光陰 。 罰寫時的心情很.... 其實製作方法很With mere weeks before the Geneva Auto Show, Volkswagen has released the first photos of the new Golf 7 GTD. The GTD is basically at TDI version of the GTI and something very cool in our book. This new Golf 7 version features 184hp, 280 pound-feet of torq...