相同概念換鞋型!Air Jordan 13 “Barons" 精緻細節,先睹為快
GOM Player for Mac | MacUpdate - Apple Mac OS X Software & Apps - Discover & Download : MacUpda 喬丹系列一直都是擁有最多粉絲的鞋牌,而其中Air Jordan 13更是在近年忽然受到重視!具有科技外型且在搭配上也更加多元,男生/女孩都合適的視覺比例,讓它魅力大增。此雙新曝光「Barons」配色其實與早前Air Jordan 1、Air Jordan 9相同,都是以Michael JordanDownload, install or update GOM Player (Mac) - Video player for Korean TV - from MacUpdate ... Like this app? Be the first to add it to a collection! Create a Collection by bringing together complementary apps that have a common theme or purpose, then sha...