DoctorYourself.com: Andrew Saul's Natural Health Website 相信在座每一個女生(還有可愛的男孩子) 都曾經迷信過這樣一種逼格滿滿的攝影風格 ▼ 那便是傳說中的 飄柔自信仙女風 但是,電影、電視劇告訴我們 想要拍出這樣的效果 必須要有一台鼓風機 這對很多喜歡自拍,但不想天天扛着Reviews of DOCTOR YOURSELF.COM: “DoctorYourself.com is fabulous and brilliant. Andrew Saul is educating us to educate ourselves. He is taking this battle to Parliament (click here), or wherever it has to go to change things within the medical establishmen...